Science Based Targets initiativet

SBTi has become the highest standard for companies that set themselves ambitions and binding targets for reductions in their emissions of greenhous gases.
What does SBTI mean to you?

Science Based Targets initiativet

(SBTi) has become the highest standard for companies that set themselves ambitions and binding targets for reductions in their emissions of greenhouse gases. SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the UN’s Global Comapct, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF, which defines and disseminates best practice in relation to reductions of greenhouse gases with a background in climate research. The goals are to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels and to continue to the efforts to limit global warming to 1,5 degrees.

You can read more about which companies have committed to SBTi and see more about HORN’s committment here:

HORNs SBTi goals

HORN’s goail for CO2 minimization are in line with the Science Based Targets, as they meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. According to SBTi, HORN, as an SME, must minimize our baseline emissions by 42% before 2030 to help limit global warming – As a company we strive to achieve a total minimization of 100% by 2030. You can read more about our CO2 minimization strategy and ongoing progress in our annual reporting:

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