FN Sustainable Development Goals

We are aware of the massive effort required from both countries, companies and citizens to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and choose to incorporate relevant targets in our quality standards and goals, to show our active support. We have chosen to focus on 7 targets, and will throughout the following pages indicate where they have their relevancy.

3. Good Health and well-being

3.4 Promote mental health

In 2020 we initiated our monotoring of our employees job satisfaction. We will continue this process while looking into how our supplied data for our B Corp certification can set the standard for our ongoing examination of the satisfaction status.

3.9: Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution

We have been working with the Indoor Air Comfort certification since 2016, to ensure that our products deduce even less than strict environmental requirements from various building certifications methods. Our Indoor Air certified products enable our customers to choose products with a minimum of hazardous chemicals which is further justified by our Nordic Swan Ecolabel certification, which have further requirements to ensure that neither our employees are being impacted by such chemicals.

Our stone manufacturing have implemented solutions for effective water recycling systems.

7. Affordable and clean energy

7.2 Increase global percentage of renewable energy.

By 2030 the goal is to increase the share of renewable energy and promote an increased insight into companies CO2 impact on Scope 1 and 2. In 2021 HORN prepared 2020 as our baseline for future insights into our progress. We will continue to measure our yearly impact in both Scope 1, 2 and 3, and our goal is to be CO2 neutral in 2030. We will be measuring our impact up against the Science Based Targets.

8. Decent work & economic growth

8.2 Diversify, innovate & upgrade for economic productivity.

It is our goal to stay a Danish manufacturer, we know our Danish employees is more expensive, but we also know they are the primary source of our success. We neither can nor will compromise that. Therefore we are looking into various technological upgrades in our production facilities, and are simultaneously developing competence descriptions on all our employees to ensure they have the right knowledge and training to handle our new technologies.

8.4 Improve resource efficiency in consumption & production.

By 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production must be continuously improved and efforts must be made to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation. To ensure that our growth plans doesn’t equal an increase in Co2 we are measuring our actions up against SBTi.

The share of renawable energy must be increased. Therefore HORN is looking into stepvise plan of being self-sufficient when it comes to our energy consumption. Our first step is to ensure we transform our gas heating into renewable source.

8.5 Full employment & decent work with equal pay.

Our focus is to ensure that all, also persons with mental and/or physical handicaps receive a fair pay for their work and to push the agenda that ensures work to people with either a handicap or challenge in some way.

8.6 Promote youth employment, education & training.

For many years it weren’t the most popular as a young person to go into the craftmanship profession. But we need good, engaged young craftmans in our production. Therefore we are cooperating with the educational institutes, to secure our future work capacity and to increase the interest for the craftmanship profession.

8.7 End modern slavery, trafficking & child labour.

Our FSC® certification and 100% policy supports the eradication of forced- and child labour for our wood procurement.

8.8 Protect labour rights & promote safe working environments.

All employees at HORN have equal rights and receive contractual salary, as well as a safe and stable working environment. We believe in and already experience the value of giving chances to employees who have had a difficult time due to mental and/or physical challenges, why our work at Denwood by HORN and the cooperation with jobcentres and municipalities is of outmost importance to us.

Being a Danish manufacturer, our employees is to a high degree well protected by national laws, to ensure that we develop our business practices even further than national regulations we are applying for a B Corp certification.
We are monitoring our work-related incidents to stay updated on potential risks in the production facilities and be able to prevent those.

12. Responsible consumption and good health and well-being

12.2 Sustainable management and use of natural resources.

Our FSC® certification and 100% policy regarding procurement of wood based boards is a tool to promote sustainable management and use of natural resources as the FSC® certification system offers and opportunity for businesses to source from well-managed forests.

We are looking into more sustainable buying practices regarding our procurement of stone based materials, as a consequence of our struggle to locate well managed quarries outside of Europe.

We are looking into how we can substitute our current core material with a lighter, more resource effective material.

12.4 Responsible Management of chemicals & waste.

Our work with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel ensures that we keep a more responsible approach to working with both chemicals and waste. We will continue to expand our assortment of certified products.

We are increasingly merging Denwood by HORN into our HORN structures, as we see a great potential for both companies in cooperating on multiple managerial decisions.

12.5 Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

Since 2016 we have proactively been trying to educate ourself within upcycling of our waste materials and develop solutions to minimize our waste through our work at Denwood by HORN.

Recycling: We are working with partners on materials that we cannot upcycle at Denwood by HORN, including as an example our waste of laminate with a chipboard core.
Reuse: We are reusing and upcycling waste materials at Denwood by HORN.

12.6 Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainable information into their reporting cycle.

Since 2016 we have reported our own progress within sustainable progress through the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress. We continue this practice to ensure transparency.

Through our work with certifications such as The Nordic Swan Ecolabel and FSC® we have had to make some adjustments to our products, in this process it has been important for us to hold on to good partnerships with our suppliers rather than changing partners for a more rapid process. For many of our partners we have therefore entered a dialogue on improvement processes for both raw materials and business practices to ensure we grow stronger together.

12.7 Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities.

We have chosen to work with the Nordic Swan Eco- label as it is the standard setting certification in Scandinavian building certification systems – Both public and private. Furthermore our Indoor Air Comfort certification ensures that our products meets the requirements from both national, Scandinavian and international systems such as DGNB, BREEAM, LEED, M1 etc.

12.8 Promote universal understanding of sustainable lifestyles.

We are incorporating our sustainable initiatives into our standard HORN Academy material, to ensure that our external sales consultants have the right knowledge to inform endconsumers about more sustainable alternatives.

15. Life on land

15.2 End deforestation and restore degraded forests.

Our FSC certification contributes to goal 15 by providing a system for responsible forrest management of forests worldwide and aims to combat the loss of biodiversity through a balanced extraction of forest products. The FSC system ensures the protection of valuable natural forest areas and species, fights illegal logging, and supports the implementation of integrated landscape management policies – Including reforestation and forest restoration programs.

We therefore believe that our 100% FSC policy at HORN is a great start to ensure we are promoting the implementation of sustainable management of forests, halt deforestation and restore degraded forest. To increase afforestation and reforestation we will be looking into how we can ensure a longer lifetime for our wood based materials through improved maintenance guidance and service solutions including take-back options. In addition the FSC management standards require forest managers to prevent deforestation, avoid forest degradation and maintain biodiversity to obtain their FSC certification.

15.B Mobilize finance and incentive sustainability forest management.

To ensure the adequate incentives to ensure sustainable forest management the FSC certification aims to encourage and enhance the economic potential of certificate holders, by encouraging the creation of multi-functional forests – In the industry, we aim to educate within the benefits of FSC® and have in 2022 been granted the FSC certification at Denwood by HORN, to apply the chain of custody standards to their upcycled waste products as well.

16. Peace justice & strong institutions

16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery

Our goal is to be a responsibility company. Therefore we cannot rely solely on being a Danish/Europan based company guided by strict governmental rules, we want to do more and are aware that we have to initiate a more structured approach to ensuring that our partners are guided by the same moral compass. In 2021 we therefore revisited our Code of Conduct and divided it into a version for our business partners and our internal employees to ensure an improved understanding of our guidelines.

We have proactively initiated a whistleblower system to encourage our employees and partners to report on any experience of attempts on corruption or bribery, and ensure that there is handled anonymous and documented safely.

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making

The goal is to ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision making at all levels. We are aware that we historically have been challenged to be inclusive enough in both our management positions and in our production facilities as well. This may previously have been excused by difficulties in attracting a divers employee composition, but we have an responsibility to change this tendency and are challenging ourself to do more by applying for the B Corp certification.

17. Partnerships for the goals

17.16 Enhance the global partnerships for sustainable development. + 17.17 Encourage effective partnerships.

We are dependent on multi-stakeholder partnerships that share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources. Our list of knowledge and cooperative partners both within and outside of our industries is therefore growing, to ensure that we stay informed and in front of the development.

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