We produce products from solid quality materials that can last for many years - You can help us extend the lifespan even further by taking good care of your by HORN product.The frequency depends on the use. If you use the product every dat, oiling is recommended 2-4 times a year.
Step by Step guide
Oiling instructions for interior products
- To ensure optimal absorption, oil the wood when it is completely dry.
- Apply plenty of oil in cirkular motions on all sides and edges.
- Let the oil soak in for 24 hours (preferably in an airtight bag). Any excess oil can then be wiped off with a dry cloth.
- Leave the oil to dry. This gives the wood time to absorb all the oil before washing it again after use.
We recommend using HORN’s own countertop oil, which is food approved. A natural cooking oil such as corn and grape seed oil can also be used.

Advice and guidance
Daily cleaning
Clean easily with lukewarm water and a sponge or brush. However, remember to wash the wood on both sides to avoid bowing and dry with a tea towel.
Avoid dishwashing and soaking the product in water, as this can cause the wood to crack. Also avoid leaving food leftovers, as it may penetrate the wood.
Remove bacteria
The wood can be doused with boiling water to kill bacteria. See also our tips for using salt and lemon. Remember to care with oil afterwards!
Step by Step guide
Salt and lemon trick
If you want a deeper, anti-bacterial cleaning that simultaneously removes minor scratches and stains. This is a good household advide; Salt and lemon:
- Sprinkle a thin layer of salt over the wood.
- Take half a lemon and rub it with the cut surface around the salt.
- Wash off excess salt with warm water.
- When the wood is completely dry, apply an oil treatment.