Cleaning and care

Daily cleaning is easily done with a damp clean cloth. Avoid excessive use of dishwashing detergent/sulfo as this can leave a greasy surface. A mild universal cleaner can be used for more stubborn dirt.

Strongly colored foods are removed as soon as possible as these can cause discolouration. A greasy surface can be removed with the use of HORN Laminate Cleaner in concentrated form. 

  1. Laminate Cleaner is applied to the surface with a cloth.
    2. Let it sit for approx. 3-5 minutes.
    3. Spread the products with a cloth or soft sponge. Be careful with rough and matte structures – Do not press, but simply move the sponge across the surface.
    4. Remove all residues of Laminate Cleaner with a wet cloth (wipe approx. 3-5 times with a clean water).
    5. Wipe the surface with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Points 1-5 are repeated until the countertop is thoroughly cleaned.



To avoid damaging and scratching the countertop, it is not recommended to use abrasive cleaning agents such as scouring powder, steel wool or corrosive cleaning agents. These will leave the surface damaged.

We recommend using a cutting board to protect the countertop.

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